Monday, 10 December 2007

How to make the weekly shop fun.

Like many families we do a weekly shop, a trip to the local supermarket which in our case is ASDA Walmart. Because Mark needs some bits to get through the week at university he’s recently taken up going with his mother leaving me to do jobs about the house. Two weeks ago they come back, Mark had paid the full bill because his mother had forgotten to take her purse. The following week she remembered her purse but couldn’t get the combination of debit card and PIN number correct, so Mark ended up paying again. This week, hurrah! Card and PIN number combination correct first time so no money transfer into Mark’s bank account on their return. In the meantime everybody is having a good laugh at Suzie’s expense.

Part of the weekly shop is getting those bits and pieces that Mum needs for the coming week but are too heavy for her to get when she shops – like big bags of dog food. Of course that means a quick visit to deliver the goods and check up that they are OK. Popped in Saturday and Mum was fine and Dad as good as can be expected. Sunday afternoon I take Mark down so that he can walk the dog while I spend some time with Mum & Dad. Mum’s shattered (which is why she asked if someone could walk the dog) and the cause… repeatedly using the hoist to get dad on and off the commode. Not because he needs to use it but because he hasn’t “been” for a couple of days and feels he ought to. And the other granddad is worse – we get full chapter and verse on his trips to the loo. How sad is it that people get to a stage in their life when a trip to the loo is the highlight of their day.

As I was feeling a bit better last Tuesday night, and the group were a player short, I volunteered to play – big mistake. When we got back my (busted) ribs hurt so much that I got no sleep at all. This weekend I managed to avoid playing badminton and as a result this morning it’s feeling much less painful. I still can’t sleep on my right-hand side, but, at least I can sleep.

Andy is at BMW college this week, Mark has his last week at University for the year and for Suzie & I it’s work as usual. Christmas parties are starting to kick in with Suzie having her first on Wednesday at lunchtime and I have one Thursday evening – both are meals with work colleagues. I’ll be driving so that’ll keep my bar bill down. Merry Christmas everyone!

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