Sunday, 15 June 2008

Industrial action

We are currently experiencing a work to rule by the local bin men because the Council wants to take away their bonus scheme. As a result we didn’t get a collection on Friday because we are at the end of the week and at the end of the run. The bin men are highlighting the fact that if they work at the basic rate laid down, then large chunks of the city will go without refuse collection. Now although I’m sitting here with 2 of the 3 bins we have full to the brim (the 2 re-cycle bins) I have to say that in this instance I’m in full agreement with the bin men and the actions they are taking.

On the other hand the Shell tanker drivers are out on strike for more pay to better their £31,800 pa salary. Well I’m sorry, but, I know a lot of lorry drivers out there that would happily work the tanker drivers job for £25,000 pa so No! I don’t agree with the action they are taking and if they all get fired and new drivers trained up then they only have their own greed to blame, no sympathy from me. Hell, if I was asked I’d retrain and drive tankers for £31,800 pa and I don’t accept this argument that because the company is worth more then so are they and to compare themselves to professionals like doctors and lawyers is ridiculous, as is likening their situation to that of premiership football players. They are lorry drivers. That’s all! Their lorries have luxury cabs, automatic everything and they don’t have to sleep up in lay-bys like many other wagon drivers. It’s a cushy life that just happens to be spent in front of a tank of highly inflammable liquid. In the current economic climate they should be grateful they have such a well paid job.

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