Saturday, 20 June 2009

MP's Expenses - Taking the Piss!

Today the BBC news is reporting that....

"More than 50 MPs have claimed expenses for council tax they have not paid the Daily Telegraph says.

They are said to have claimed more than the rates of tax published by councils.

The new expense allegations came after police launched a criminal inquiry into an alleged misuse of expenses by a small number of MPs and peers.

Police say it’s economic and specialist crime command will investigate, following a public outcry about the way some MPs used their allowances."

Now the recent revelations have been eye opening enough on their own, but to find that these so called "Honourable Gentlemen" have actually claimed on their expenses for more than they have been charged by their local council, AND that some of them actually haven't paid their rates even though they have claimed/over claimed those same rates on their expenses to my mind is CRIMINAL!

We have seen a redaction (where did that word come from) of expenses for claims supposedly made in error. I just hope we get to see these MP's doing a jail term for fraud or criminal theft. They have been stealing from ordinary folks like you and me, tax payers, voters and mostly people earning far less than MP's get as a salaary.

Is my blood boiling? No, not yet, but it's getting there! If you want to read the whole report then visit the BBC web site.

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