Monday, 11 October 2010


Saturday saw Dad being loaded into the ambulance taxi for his trip to the Helen Lay Centre at Lemmington Spa for a 3 week break for both him and mother. I took mum down to book/register Dad in, but, he’s now seen as a regular and it’s much less formal than when he first went there. I stopped off at TGI Fridays (Coventry) on the way back as mother needed food and drink. The fare was good but the venue a bit loud for both of us so that’ll be a one-off visit.

Sunday evening I popped down to make sure mother was OK to find her absolutley shining. She had spent the day emptying the lounge ready for Dennis the decorator who started the stripping off of the old wallpaper today. They say that change is as good as a rest, well she certainly looked well on it last night.

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