Monday, 28 February 2011


Oh dear, I've been neglecting the blog again. Too much to do and not enough time to do it. It's been a mad year so far, especially at work, where I'm spending most of my time as a "Test Analyst" which mainly involves getting thrown in at the deep end and having to work it out for myself. And then the management wonder why there is an increasing number of "incidents" in the production environment. An "employee survey" across the globe of FIS employees has informed the management that satisfaction scores in Leicester are the lowest for all FIS offices, at half the global average of 64%, while another of the offices is the UK topped the satisfaction sutvey with an 86% score. It sent out a powerful message and today our MD walked and the replacement took up the reigns.

Additionally, we've had the usual round of annual performance reviews. Except this year we had to use a new system and nobody had been trained on how to use it, including the reveiwing managers. The best bit is that it has absolutely no bearing on the annual pay review or individual rewards packages, so basically it's a waste of time. Aren't they all?

Anyway, we are seeing some changes supposedly to improve efficiency. Like replacing the kettles in the kitchen with a wall mounted urn. As the water is always hot it means less time spent waiting around in the kitchen. A small but significant measure because it points towards the way the new MD is thinking.

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