I read an article in yesterday’s Metro that claims these motoring aids are now being blamed for £203million in damage to vehicles as drivers blindly follow their instructions. Examples quoted are driving into a wall in Edinburgh, being sent over a non-existent bridge across the river Severn and across a golf course in Kingsdown (Kent). “Such is the concern that the Department of Transport is holding its first ever satnav summit next month”
Now there’s a waste of rate/tax payers money. The solution is simple – pass legislation that puts a legal obligation on the satnav manufacturers and their map suppliers to ensure that the software is current and up to date. They are making an absolute packet in selling these gadgets and map updates which are usually 2 years out of date. Make the obligation one to ensure that every detail is up to date and no more than 3 months old and that if any damage to property results from an a driver blindly following incorrect directions the insurance company or involved parties can claim back out of pocket expenses for any resulting loss. Then allow insurance companies to reject claims where the driver/satnav user has not kept the software in their gadget up to date.
Of course the satnav manufacturers will be up in arms, but, not only will they make their products better and fit for purpose, the consumer will get a better product and there will be fewer accidents where the incompetent numpties behind the wheel can blame the gadget in the dashboard / on the windscreen.
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