Sunday 22 April 2012

Together time

Yesterday Sue & I had some 'together' time. The morning started with me taking my car for it's next scheduled service then we ddid the weekly shop at the local ASDA. Following a bite to eat we drove down to Birmingham with me showing Sue my daily commute and the rat runs that I use to avoid most of the congestion, arriving at my current work location to park (for free) and then walk into the city centre. Sue is shoe shopping, so we wander in and out of appropriate shops and she finally finds a pair that suits. We then head off into the Bull Ring window shopping but not for the first time we are being overwhelmed by the number of people and head back out into the streets. It is starting to rain so we retrace our steps back to Bella Italia where we have a very pleasant meal. Then it's back to the car to put the shopping into the boot and walk the short distance to the NIA where we have tickets for a show.

The show is Cirque de Soleil, Algeria. Our seats are in row HH which means we are 'up in the heavens'just 3 rows forward of the rear-most seats. The view is good and clear but distant and remote. The show is acrobatic and gymnastic at the same time with clowns between sets. There appears to be a theme or story running through the show but as we make a point of never buying a programme I can only surmise. The music and singing that accompanies the stage and high air/acrobatics is good but it is the whole show somehow just gels and comes together as a spectacular event. We loved it.

It was a short walk back to the cars and a one hour drive back home, arriving at 23:00. The end to a long and pleasant day together.

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