Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Back to normal

Getting home around 03:00 Friday morning meant that we effectively had a 3 day weekend to get everything sorted. Later that morning Andy went off for a long weekend at Centre Parks with Emma and some of his friends leaving Sue and I as Derby & Joan. And with Mark now moved out the house was very quiet. Laundry, housework and gardening was the order of the day across the weekend along with Sue visiting her dad in hospital and me seeing Angie & John who were up to visit Mum & Dad because it was Father’s Day on Sunday. Because of Sue’s dad Phil going into hospital we missed the wedding ceremony for Jim and Heidi on Saturday but we managed to get along to their evening reception to wish them well as they start married life together.

With all this going on it seems that everything has quickly returned to normal and Marmaris is now memories and photographs.

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