Now don't ask me how but all I know is that I've been roped into dieting simply because the rest of the family have decided to diet. Of course these days there has to be an app involved, in this case My Fitness Pal on android is the chosen tool for monitoring calorific consumption and burn. Weigh in last Sunday was overseen by Mark to ensure no cheating and I tipped the scales at 214 pounds. This morning, one week on, the same scales say 211.4 pounds, so weight has been lost. And I have to say that I've not made many adjustments to my daily intake to come in just under my calorific allowance. Suzie has lost 2 pounds in weight (I'll not give her weight) so she too is suitably encouraged to keep going.
Having spent a week using My Fitness Pal I have to say that I find it useful but a bit clunky. It doesn't appear to be intelligent enough to store something you ate for breakfast as something you might also consume as another meal, so you are constantly searching for stuff when you should be able to reselect from the pre-consumed list, which you can do if you previously consumed it for that meal (i.e. toast for breakfast). Usefully it comes with a bar code reader so searching is simplified to some extent, but then you have to be aware of the portion sizes. As a basic guide it is useful but it isn't a "super accurate" tool.
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