Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Hello from central news

Yesterday I got back from my interview to an email with that title, that went on to say --

“I’m a reporter at Central news and saw your blog. I’m doing a report on the credit crunch today specifically focussing on people who are being forced to find work after being made redundant. It would be great if you could call or email to let me know how you’re getting on and a bit more about your experience.”

Sounds good, and I don’t mind sharing my views and experiences but I’m not going to send an email without first getting some background on what they want for their article and I’m not going to use up package phone time/pay for a phone call when the reporter is the one with a job and an income (and probably gets the phone as part of the job) so I sent an email saying --

“If you'd like to ring me on the number below I'll be quite happy to try and help you out.”

Never heard a thing. Same result as with most job applications, you send them out and hear nothing back.... what is it with people these days?

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