Tuesday, 7 October 2008


With father in the Helen Lay Centre mother is starting to benefit from the respite she’s getting from being his carer 24/7. She’s making good use of her time. She’s had the old double bed ripped out and a new one installed. This is effectively 2 single beds joined together, but, made in such a way that they can be separated if required. Dad will be able to have his half raised so that he snores less and mum will be able to have her half reclined so that she sleeps more.

On top of that she’s having some pampering, getting her hair done and stuff like that, After watching her eat at the Beefeater after signing dad into The Centre, we then had mother up to ours for Sunday roast which she appeared to enjoy. She claims that she’s enjoying walking Sheba and feeling much more rested today, so all appears to be well I her world at the moment.

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