Friday, 2 January 2015

Goodbye 2014 & Hello 2015

We saw the old year out at Morley Hayes Golf Club, Roosters Bar buffet and boogie. We were Suzie and I, Sue and Norman Peace and Carole De Martino (on her own as her husband Giuseppe was working).

It's a very good location to relax, the food was excellent, drinks reasonably priced (but not cheap) while a "disco" was included in the ticket price.

Then there was the fireworks display, which was just so good considering it was a 'private' event funded by the Golf Course and the entry fee to the buffet / dance. Again, it was a shame that there was a strong side wind but it did very little to diminish the crowds enthusiasm. So 2014 ended with a party.

January 1st saw us at Carole & Giuseppe's place for their annual party - so 2015 started with a party. Lets all just hope that 2015 is a good year for one and all, only 134 days to a general election and less than 6 months to the longest day of the year.

A happy and prosperous new year to you all. May your bits never freeze and you blood never boil.

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