Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Still getting about

Friday night I go for my monthly massage with Rona - explaining that I'm a little sore in the right side ribs. She has a prod and a poke... and I hit the ceiling as she finds a very tender point. I tell her that I think she is taking a perverse enjoyment out of my situation, to which she responds by poking me on exactly the same point again and announcing that "it's bust!". Subsequent coughts & sneezes bear this diagnosis out as they hurt like ****.

Sunday morning I manage to get down to check on Mum & Dad. They both appear to be in good cheer and as well as can be expected.

Sunday afternoon I drop Sue off at her parents while I go off to the local auto parts centre. I call in to pick her up on my way back, to find that he's been issued with a 3 wheeled "zimmer" frame, which he wants Andy to make a few adjustments to. Ten minutes later I've made the adjustments and saved Andy a job. Both Phil & Joyce seem in fine fettle so we take our leave.

Sunday, 7:50pm - Fred comes round to say he can't play badminton and asks I stand in for him. Of cousre I've a busted rib and he's had an operation to remove a large lump on his right shoulder blade. We agree to take turns and play 2 games each which we both manage to survive. Mark shows us all up with his abilities with the racket but then he is not yet 19 while Sue is younger than me, Dave & I are both 51 and Fred is 61 (but without an ounce of fat and fitting fit).

Something I don't understand is how come with having played badminton several times over the last few weeks I'm actually putting weight on and not loosing it. I had got down to 15 stone (210 pounds) but I've put 6 lb on over the last 4 weeks.

Had a phone call from John, he's coming up to see Mum & Dad at the weekend. He had an x-ray for a suspected broken wrist on Thursday. The good news is that it isn't bust, but, the bad news is that it is an RSI from crane operating so he'll have to re-think what he does at work.

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