Thursday, 22 November 2007

That'll teach me

Tuesday I'm at work and I ask one of my colleagues if he wants to go down for lunch? Mike replies that he's off to play badminton so won't have time to do anything other than grab a sarnie on the hoof. Off he goes, but fails to return as he badly pulls his Achillies tendon and gets taken off to hospital. Later that afternoon I ring him on his mobile to find he has been put in a cast and he's told the cast will probably be on for 6 weeks or more. Needless to say I pull his leg about the fact that he could have had a relaxing lunch break.

That evening I play badminton with Sue, Dave and Fred. During one of the games I'm partnering Dave and I end up getting bashed in the ribs. It's sore but I play on. Overnight I get little sleep so first thing I get an appointment with the family doctor. He informs me that badminton is a non-contact sport, that they don't x-ray ribs these days unless they suspect damage to internal organs, and that if the pain goes away before Christmas then the ribs are just bruised but if it lasts into the new year then they are broken.

Like I said.... that'll teach me, what goes around, comes around!

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