Monday, 1 September 2008

Anxiety starts

Nine weeks job searching and so far all I’ve gained is experience. Vital experience in presentations , psychometric testing (a completely new and alien to me) competency interviews and testing, all on top of the “normal”, run of the mill, traditional interviews. But even though feedback suggests I’m getting better I’m still not getting any job offers, and to me that’s worrying.

OK, we still have Sue’s earnings but they represent only a third of our income compared to when I was in work. There’s an insurance policy in place that will, from the end of this month, pay the mortgage for up to a year, but, even with cutting back everything to basics we will still be eating away at the savings we have unless work is found soon.

Anxious, yes, I’m starting to get anxious. I’ve never been a worrier, but now I’m starting to have sleepless nights, and that’s not good, as I see it as the start of a downward spiral which can only lead to me performing worse and not better at interviews, and I can’t entertain that. That’s just not the way I am.

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